Usage of the output filter on Juniper CLI

You may have seen in the previous lessons that whenever we want to check if the configuration is done correctly then we use the “show” command. In this lesson, I will explain how you can filter the output of the “show” command. I am still connected via a console cable...

Juniper Command Line CLI help

Juniper offers us a help to know how to write the commands correctly. For example, let’s say that I want to change the root password and I don’t know how to do it. I can use the help from Juniper and it will guide me how I can change the root password on Juniper...

Juniper root user vs non-root users

Until now, all what we have seen on Juniper was with the root user. The root user is consider the highest privilege on Juniper – it is a super-user level. By default, the root user comes wit no password, so be careful that you put a password on it before you start...