The 1st mode that I would like to discuss about it is the Shell mode. This is represented by the percentage sign (%) by end of the prompt command. On this mode, the root (and only the root) will always go to it when he logs in to the Juniper router.
In this mode, the root user can do the file system commands and manage them. What does it mean by file system commands? This means that you can create a file, delete a file, see what is in the file, copy a file and so on.
The 2nd mode that you should know on Juniper is the Operational mode. This is represented by the greater sign (>) by end of the prompt command. When you create a non-root user, and he logs in to the Juniper router, he will always go to the operational mode.
For the root user, to go from the shell modem to the operational mode he should use the command “CLI”.
In this mode, you can view the configuration. Meaning that any configuration on the router you can just check it from this mode using the “show” command most of the time. Also on this mode, you can do the troubleshooting using some application tools such as ping, traceroute. Also, you can connect remotely to other devices using SSH and Telnet. You can also reboot and shutdown the device from this mode.
So, in a summary, from the operational modem you can view the configuration on the router and using some utilities such as ping, traceroute to do the troubleshooting as well as some other utilities for some other tasks.
The last mode that we have on Juniper is the Configuration mode. This is represented by the hash sign (#) by end of the prompt command. To reach to this mode, you should be on the operational modem then write “edit” or “configure” then you can reach to this mode.
This mode is used to configure the router and to make changes on the router.
Those are the 3 different types of modes we have on the Juniper devices, let’s now apply a LAB to play with those 3 modes.
My PC is still connected via console to the router. I have just rebooted the router. Let’s connect to the root using the root username and password:
R1 (ttyu0)
login: root
— JUNOS 12.1X44-D15.5 built 2013-06-06 18:07:29 UTC
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