Multicast MAC Addresses Notation

We spoke about Layer3 addressing on multicast, what about the Layer2 which is the MAC address? Do we have special MAC addresses on multicast? The answer is yes. IANA has allocated also for Layer2 multicast addressing a range. The range start from 01:00:5E:00:00:00...

Multicast IP Addresses notation

As explained in the chapter 1, IANA has reserved Class D range for multicast. The difference between the multicast and unicast address, is that unicast IP addresses represent a single network device while multicast represent a group of network devices or receivers....

What are the components of Multicast?

We now agreed that Multicast is the best option when it comes to video streaming and it has a lot of advantages compared to the Unicast and Broadcast streaming. Now, it is important to know that Multicast doesn’t work “out of box” like Unicast for example. So, there...