MikroTik Frequency usage

When working with Wireless on MikroTik, it is essential that you select the frequency that is less used (less noisy) to propagate your wireless service on it. Fortunately, MikroTik offers us tools to discover which wireless channels are less used to we can pick up one of them and propogate our wireless on it.

The 1st tool that I want to show it to you if Frequency Usage. But before we do that, let me show you what frequecies are available on MikroTik using the 2.4 GHz:

Here you see the list of frequencies that are available on the 2.4 GHz. The question that may be asked. Which of the frequencies shall we use? Well the answer is: the one which has less noise. But how can we know which one has less noise? here we can use the Frequency usage that you see it on the right menu:

I have clicked on it and started the scnal on the interface WLAN1 which is the interface responsible for the 2.4 GHz. I have received the following result:

Here you can see the each of the frequencies how much usage is on it based on your environment and what is the Noise Floor (Will speak more about Noise Floor later in this course). I see that the frequency 2472 is less used, so I can choose it to propagate my wireless on it.

Another thing that I want to show you about the frequency usage is how to scan specefic frequencies without having the list of the whole frequencies like what we have already done. Say for example I want to scan specifically the following 2 frequencies to choose one of them: 2447 and 2457.

Then all I need to do is the following:

I have selected those 2 frequencies on the Scan List and clicked on Apply. So now if I re-do Frequency Usage, it should scan only those 2 frequencies. Let’s try:

Yes indeed!!!! It is scanning only those 2 frequencies 🙂

That’s all what I wanted to show in this lesson, hope you enjoyed it and see you in the upcoming one.


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