Until now, all what we have seen on Juniper was with the root user. The root user is consider the highest privilege on Juniper – it is a super-user level. By default, the root user comes wit no password, so be careful that you put a password on it before you start doing any configuration on the router otherwise the Juniper router will refuse to save the configuration. The root user cannot be deleted, and everytime that you log in to the root user you enter first to the shell mode.
As for the non-root users, they normally do not exist in the Juniper router by default, meaning that you need to create them and give them a permission/privilege so you can user them to log in.
Everytime you log in to the non-root user, you go to the operational mode. The non-root users can be deleted on the Juniper router.
These are the main differences between the root and non-root users. Let’s apply a LAB to check all what I have already discussed:
Let’s 1st log in using the root user and see on which mode I will enter to:
Amnesiac (ttyd0)
login: root
— JUNOS 14.1R4.8 built 2015-01-28 03:38:12 UTC
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