Downgrading the RouterOS

As already explained, the RouterOS can be upgraded for lifetime. But also in some cases, you require to downgrade the RouterOS to a release which is more stable than the newest one. So how to downgrade the RouterOS? The answer will be explained in the upcoming LAB.

LAB: Downgrading the RouterOS

We are still on the same LAB scenario. At the moment, R1 has the RouterOS version 7.1.2, and I decided to downgrade it to RouterOS version 7.1.1 because I had a feeling that the newest version has still some bugs.

First let’s justify if the installed RouterOS on R1 is version 7.1.2:

Indeed, it is on version 7.1.2 which is a stable version. How can I know it is a stable version? All you need to do is to click on “Check for Updates” on the same windows and it will show to you as the following:

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