What are the Dynamic Entries in Bridge VLAN on the MikroTik Switch?

We are still having the same Lab scenario of the management VLAN. If we look at SW1 and SW2, we see on the VLAN under the bridge that a dynamic entry has been created having the interfaces bridge1 and Ether1 as untagged on VLAN 1.

Why is that? Because when we have added the interfaces to the bridge, both bridge1 and Ether1 had by default VLAN ID =1. This means what exactly? This means that if I connect my PC to the interface Ether1 on SW1 or SW2 then I will be able to access the Switch completely from Winbox. The reason why is because Ether1 and Bridge1 interfaces are both on VLAN1, which is the native VLAN. Did you get my point?

Maybe it’s a good practice to connect my PC to Ether1 of SW1 and then to SW2.

Let’s start by connecting my PC to Ether1 of SW1

As you see, directly SW1 has been shown on the Winbox because I am connecting to Ether1 which has VLAN ID of 1 the same as on the bridge1 interface, then I could see the Switch on Winbox and able to login into it and configure it.

Let me move my PC cable to SW2 interface Ether1 and see if I will have the same result.

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